Video Content on websites and social media is almost a buzzword these days. Everywhere you turn, someone is telling businesses and organizations to post video content in order to grow their business. But what if I told you that 95% of businesses are just doing it wrong? Taking all the time to record, edit, and post and getting little or no traction. Sound familiar?
"95% of businesses are just doing it wrong"
What is Video Content anyway?
The first item you must learn is the way the video content should be used. Think of video content as something that could be "quick" attention grabbers. Something that is going to pique your target audience's curiosity. This could be an attention-grabbing fast-moving video of let's say people working out at your gym or a quick blurb on a grand opening or an event your company sponsored. It could even be a weekly update on your company or the top 5 mistakes everyone should know in your niche market.
This is video content. This is what many in-house marketers tend to focus on, or even marketing agencies you may hire. These types of videos are great for keeping your company or organization relevant and in front of your targeted audience or members. I would even say that for smaller companies, these are videos that you yourself can / should produce. They don't have to be of high caliber as far as video production is concerned. Here volume is key! Crank these out as much as you can and as often as you feel you can. Place these on your youtube page, social media, and newsletters.
So what is the use of Video Content videos? Well, they are there to somewhat inform and engage with your audience. Think of them as curiosity videos, which is key when going after new markets. They are not there to convert. Let me state that again - Video Content-type videos are not intended to convert a customer. I'm not saying that they "won't" convert a client, but that is not the sole purpose of the video. It is only a "part" of the sales journey.
"Content-type videos are not intended to convert a customer"

Content videos should be short in length, be about more timely topics, and have a much shorter shelve life than video asset videos.
What are Video Assets?
Video assets are more of a foundational element of your business or organization. A video asset is exactly what the name says, an asset to and for your business. These videos answer the "WHY" question, and as you may know, people make purchases and get behind causes because of the why not necessarily the "what" or "how".
Video assets should live on your website front and center or on your "about us" page. This should be the prominent video on your main social media page or other online content. These videos can truly move the dial for your customers to understand who you are, and why you do what you do. These videos can be difficult for a business to get right on their own and are significantly more impactful further down in a sales funnel. Also, the bigger the purchase decision, the more useful a video asset becomes. This is where a video production company partnering with you can be very beneficial. Having an outsider specializing in communication can help form the best structure and messaging for these videos to work. These videos should have a "customer-focused" aspect to them when answering these 3 main points. What do you do? How do you do it? Why do you do it?
"The bigger the purchase decision, the more useful a video asset becomes"
Video assets should be viewed as a vital part of the sales funnel and process. This is oftentimes the place where a customer will decide to do business with you or to take the next step towards action. A video asset alone will not usually generate intrigue, so placing it as a Facebook ad, will oftentimes not produce the type of results one might desire. But having this asset after a video content type video got them to your website or landing page, will provide the perfect one-two punch.
Which bucket?
I always like to think of the videos to be divided and called out for what they are, and their intended use. When we know what type of video it is, then we know which bucket to place it into. If it is a content video, then we know it will have a short shelf life and should be intriguing and bring the viewer to a place to then find a content video. I know I want to use it at the top of the sales funnel and I want as many eyes on it as possible - But I don't expect any sales from that standalone video.
If the video is an asset - then I need to be very particular about where the video is located, and even more importantly, what the message is saying. I should probably expect to hire outside help in order for this video to be as focused as possible. I also know that this video should be good for 2-4 years. This "asset" should have a calculated ROI as well.

Classifying and identifying which video type you are producing will bring clarity and set the proper expectations for you and your company.
Contact White Lens Productions for help with your video content and video assets.